Top 25 KPMG Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

If you have an interview set soon, you may wish to review these KPMG interview questions. Examining these questions can help you prepare for the interview and clarify what to expect. KPMG interview questions may focus on your familiarity with the sectors that KPMG serves. You are also evaluated based on your academic performance, experience with the company, and suitability for the position.

1. Why Are You Interested In Working For KPMG?

I am a person that is both trustworthy and competent. I can maintain my attention to detail and am incredibly focused. My overarching objective is to make an organization better constantly. By using the qualities, I possess and do everything in my power to assist them in achieving their financial and commercial goals. It is also a company that places high importance on the individuals that make up its workforce. These are the characteristics that I place high importance on.

2. Tell Me About A Moment When You Had A Poor Worker On Your Team.

I once managed a team of auditors where I attempted to set KPIs, such as weekly and monthly measurements. I quickly realized that some team members were weaker than the rest of the group. In my one-on-one conversation, I attempted to grasp their core argument. After a short time on the job, I realized it wasn’t laziness or a poor attitude; they weren’t a good fit for the position. Not all auditors are created equal, but I never gave up on them. I provided them with individualized coaching, practiced several scenarios with them, and worked to develop their sales abilities. It was partially effective; their results increased, but they did not outperform the rest of the team. In my opinion, we may still work with a bad worker. Still, we must establish expectations from the outset, as no one can consistently demonstrate exceptional performance.

3. You Will Be Required To Make Regular Presentations To Our Clients In This Career At KPMG. What Is Your Level Of Comfort With Public Speaking And Preparing Powerpoint Presentations?

I am highly at ease with public speaking and consider myself an advanced PowerPoint user. I have taken numerous Toastmasters classes to improve my public speaking abilities. In my current position, I present to groups ranging from three to ninety individuals, ranging from “lunch and learns” with my internal staff to my client’s entire department. I frequently receive favorable feedback on my presentations because I employ analogies and striking graphics to keep them interesting.

4. Describe A Situation When You Were Required To Explain An Idea Eloquently In Writing.

When a company presented me with a novel concept, I was tasked with convincing upper management to develop and implement it. To persuade my superiors, I was required to compose an argumentative essay demonstrating how our firm would benefit from these changes. It turned out to be quite convincing, and we ultimately implemented it, resulting in a nearly five percent increase in production. In convincing my superiors, I also helped save money for my firm!

5. How Do You Handle Pressure And Stressful Circumstances?

I know that unpleasant situations will always arise, and I have had to learn how to handle them throughout my career. However, I believe that I improve with each new experience. For instance, during the launch of a new product at my previous employer, my team’s efforts did not proceed as planned. So my ability to remain calm and collected was unquestionably an improvement that allowed me to approach the circumstance with greater clarity.

6. Do You Prefer Working Alone Or In A Group?

I enjoy a combination of the two. I enjoy having a team to brainstorm with, solicit varied opinions, and solicit feedback. However, I am also comfortable with assignments requiring autonomous labor. I perform some of my finest work when I can concentrate alone in a peaceful area. Still, I highly appreciate teamwork to generate the best ideas.

7. What Do You Know About Cross-Functional Audits?

The cross-functional audit occurs when other professional groups participate in internal auditing for the organization’s benefit. It involves the engagement of many professions in the auditing process to enhance the organization’s procedures. For instance, a marketing expert may be part of an auditing team to check that advertising campaigns adhere to industry laws. The objective is to achieve better organizational results by conducting more comprehensive audits. I would advise every organization to do cross-functional audits, as they would provide details about who is who and tie them to the supply chain.

8. We Have Numerous Competitive Competitors. What Distinguishes KPMG, And How Can We Improve?

After conducting online research on KPMG, I discovered that you stand out for the numerous ways you give back to the community. On the KPMG website and third-party review sites, individuals discuss the company’s charity contributions and compassion. Because I am serious about working for a firm mindful of its social impact, this aspect of your business helps it stand out to me.

9. What Do Audit Control Methods Entail?

Audit procedures are the processes and methods used by auditors to collect sufficient, relevant audit evidence from rendering a professional opinion regarding the efficacy of an organization’s internal controls. Internal controls are the processes and standards firms use to protect their sensitive data and IT systems; or to ensure responsibility for financial statements and accounting records. Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted method for comprehending internal controls, business processes, and the effectiveness of a control. Rather, each audit has different standards. Therefore, auditors must also comprehend each element of the client’s financial reporting controls, including the general control environment. And the risk assessment process, information systems, control activities relevant to the audit, and how the client oversees internal controls.

10. We At KPMG Want To Employ Individuals Who Can Read Between The Lines To Identify Our Clients’ Potential Needs. Give Me An Example Of How You Have Accomplished This.

Last year, one of my larger clients had a company restructuring. As I anticipated probable business shifts, I was able to assist them in filling some service gaps. In addition, due to my extensive experience assisting clients with restructuring projects in the past, I was able to anticipate potential obstacles and offer my support. As a result, my proactive approach earned the client’s praise, and I was able to sell further services.

11. What Are The Benefits Of Stored Procedures?

One of the primary advantages of stored procedures is that they allow programmers to focus on the demands of a given module, hence decreasing redundancy and the likelihood of errors. Additionally, it enables for more efficient utilization of resources. Since stored procedures are compiled into machine language at runtime, they do not need to be recompiled each time. Hence, they take fewer system resources to execute. Stored procedures enable developers to construct code that multiple apps or users may utilize.

12. What Exactly Is Caro 2003? And What Is Your Understanding Of A Management Audit?

CARO stands for Company Audit Report Order 2003. It describes the subject matter on which Statutory Auditors must report in the Audit Report. An audit is an investigation and evaluation of a company’s management competencies and ability to achieve its goals. The purpose of a management audit is not to assign grades to individual executives but to evaluate the overall performance of the management team. It considers shareholder happiness, employee morale, and business reputation. It is important to note that the management audit assesses the company’s management as a whole and not the performance of individual managers.

13. What Distinguishes An Internal Auditor From An External Auditor?

Internal auditors report to an organization’s audit committee and board of directors. They design organizational systems and formulate risk management policies. In addition, they guarantee that all policies for risk management are operational. The work of an internal auditor is typically ongoing and a vital component of a company’s daily operations. External auditors are impartial when conducting company audits. They report to the stockholders of the company. They provide their expert opinion on the veracity of the company’s financial statements and undertake test work to monitor in-place systems.

14. What Is Your Understanding Of Lifo And FIFO?

First-in, first-out is an inventory valuation, and cost of goods sold calculation approach (COGS). FIFO items are the oldest in an inventory since they were added first following purchase or manufacturing. First-in, first-out (FIFO) is based on the principle that items acquired first are also sold first. The FIFO method is a simple technique to monitor inventory turnover, sales profitability, and the cost of manufacturing and holding items. Last-in, first-out is another inventory management and profit calculation method. In this method, companies presume that the most current goods are sold first. It means that older merchandise remains unsold for extended periods. This strategy applies to many items as long as the product is not at risk of becoming obsolete.

15. What Exactly Is Meant By “Transparent DBMS”?

It conceals its physical composition from the user. Regarding DBMS, a query refers to the user commands used to communicate with a database. Data definition language and data manipulation language comprise the query language. The distributed DBMS stipulates that the distribution should be clear to the user. The transparent property conceals implementation details from the user. For instance, in a centralized DBMS, data independence is a form of transparency that conceals from the user changes in the data’s definition and organization. A DDBMS can offer varying degrees of transparency. However, they all contribute to the same overarching goal: to make the distributed database comparable to a centralized one.

16. What Is An Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)?

An alternative minimum tax (AMT) establishes a minimum proportion of taxes a taxpayer must pay to the government, regardless of the number of deductions or credits claimed. After bringing certain tax preference items back into adjusted gross income, the AMT recalculates income tax. AMT employs a distinct set of procedures to compute taxable income after allowable deductions. First, preferential deductions are added to their income when they compute taxpayers’ minimum taxable income. Then the AMT exemption is removed to establish the final taxable amount.

17. What Constitutes Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the distribution of computing services over the internet to offer speedier innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. These services include servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. In most cases, you will only be charged for your cloud services. This can assist you in reducing your operating expenses, improving your infrastructure operations’ efficiency, and scaling up or down as your company’s requirements shift.

18. What Exactly Does The Term “Assessment Year” Mean?

The period known as the assessment year is the time frame in which the income generated during the financial year is evaluated. It is the year that immediately follows the year used for accounting purposes. It is the time of year when individuals are required to submit their tax returns for the previous year (i.e., Financial Year). It is the year a person’s income from the most recent fiscal year is analyzed and reported for tax purposes.

19. How Do You Anticipate Technology To Affect KPMG’s Business In The Coming Years?

Already, technology is having a transformational effect on the auditing sector. KPMG can do so much with technology in the coming years, from artificial intelligence (AI) tools for big data analytics, blockchain technology for safe data storage, and augmented reality (AR) for the digital workplace. Not only will these developing technologies alter how firms operate in the future, but they will also significantly impact KPMG’s business model. For example, as stated previously, many businesses are considering automating manual processes with AI-powered platforms. Others are researching augmented reality to increase employee productivity by enabling remote collaboration across several time zones. As these technologies grow over the next decade, I anticipate these tendencies to persist.

20. What Is Your Definition Of Total Income?

Taxable income is the portion of your gross income used to determine your tax liability for a given year—the difference between your adjusted gross income (AGI) and your itemized or standard deductions. In addition to wages, salaries, bonuses, and tips, taxable income includes investment income and various forms of unearned income. Included in the category of taxable unearned income are canceled debts, government benefits (such as unemployment and disability payments), strike benefits, and lottery payments. Taxable income also includes gains from the sale of appreciated assets during the year and dividend and interest income.

21. How Would You Determine A Person’s Residential Status?

A taxpayer’s residential status is established by his place of residence in the prior year. Therefore, residence status is irrelevant during the assessment year. Noting that residency and citizenship are two distinct notions, they should not be conflated for taxes purposes. Included in assessing an individual’s residential status are the following steps:

  • Determine first whether he is a resident or nonresident.
  • Determine if he is a resident who is generally resident or a resident who is not ordinarily resident if he is resident.

22. What Is The Definition Of Capital Gain? And What Is The Difference Between Long-Term And Short-Term Capital Gains?

For income tax purposes, the capital gain is the profit realized from selling capital assets. Gain realized is the difference between the initial buying price and the sale price. Short-term capital gains refer to profits realized through the sale of assets held for one year or less. Alternately, gains from assets kept for more than one year are termed long-term capital gains.

23. This Kpmg Job Position Demands Excellent Research Skills. What Is The First Resource You Consult When Researching A Person, Company, Or Topic?

LinkedIn is typically my go-to source while conducting research. This website provides me with a wealth of knowledge anytime I require it. I can research clients, businesses, histories, and competition in one location. LinkedIn is a very trustworthy, current, and convenient source.

24. What Exactly Is A Tax Refund?

A taxpayer can get a tax refund if they overpay their taxes to the federal or state government. This overpayment might be for any amount. Taxpayers have a habit of viewing refunds as bonuses or lucky breaks. Still, in reality, they frequently represent an interest-free loan the taxpayer made to the government. While taxpayers view refunds as bonuses or lucky breaks, this is not always the case. Therefore, avoiding paying taxes in excess is feasible, allowing you to keep more of your paycheck. And prohibiting you from receiving a tax refund when you file your tax return. 

25. What Exactly Is The Purpose Of Doing An Internal Audit?

The primary purpose of an Internal Audit is to provide management, governments, etc., with impartial information. Objective information comprises the organization’s control over its surroundings, hazards, etc. Any participant in the Internal Audit is referred to as an Internal Auditor. The sending organizations employ them. An internal auditor works closely with management because they want to determine how well resources have been managed. In addition, auditors attempt to guarantee that organizations do not deceive investors regarding their finances or operations.


Now that you thoroughly understand the various types of KPMG interview questions and answers, you can prepare for your forthcoming interview. Ensure that you are dressed appropriately for your interview. Do not forget to respond to the questions asked with confidence. We hope you can get the desired position at KMPG and advance your career.

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