Top 25 Spring Security Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

Spring Security is a highly configurable Java framework for authorization, authentication, and business application security. Developers utilize this framework to protect applications from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, brute force, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) assaults. If you are attending an interview, familiarizing yourself with often-asked questions can help you prepare effectively and increase your chances of being hired. This article has compiled the most frequently asked Spring Security interview questions and sample responses to help you prepare.

1. How Would You Explain Yourself To Someone Who Does Not Know You?

I consider myself to be a determined and ambitious person. I function best in an atmosphere focused on achieving goals and provides me with opportunities to push my further professional and personal boundaries. These qualities have been crucial in my accomplishments in my professional life. As an illustration, during my time at my previous job, I was given not one but two promotions in less than two years.

2. What Aspects Of This Role Most Attract Your Interest?

Even though I thoroughly loved my time there, there are no longer any progression opportunities that correspond with my professional goals. My experience and goals for my professional development are a wonderful match for the requirements of this role. Because helping underprivileged communities is one of my passions, I’m also seeking a job at a company like yours that assists these neighborhoods.

3. What Is Your Greatest Strength That Will Help You Excel At Work?

As an IT specialist, I enjoy teamwork. Talent wins games, while intelligence and teamwork win championships. You may have devoted your entire day to computers as an IT specialist, but you still have additional responsibilities. It is advantageous to have a staff that can assist with project management. Having a team of intelligent individuals leads to superior work. I operate most well in teams. That is my forte.

4. How Would You Build A Powerful Team To Collaborate With Other Departments In Your Organization?

To have a wonderful group of people to collaborate with:

  • I would establish my expectations of what is necessary to evaluate their talents.
  • Conduct performance reviews to select the best candidates.
  • Keep up a consistent line of communication with all the staff members so you can get to know each of them better through one-on-one interactions.

5. What Is Your Greatest Shortcoming That Could Hinder Your Job Performance?

My greatest flaw is that I sometimes focus excessively on the particulars of a project and spend too much time analyzing the nuances. I’ve been attempting to improve in this area by regularly checking in with myself and allowing myself the opportunity to concentrate on the broader picture. In this manner, I can ensure quality without sacrificing efficiency or the team’s capacity to fulfill the deadline.

6. What Is Your Greatest Career-Related Fear?

My greatest professional concern would be working with a group that would provide unsatisfactory outcomes. In my opinion, this is a catastrophic failure, which is something that no one would ever want to experience. I always make it a priority to collaborate with individuals who can increase efficiency within an organization. That would be what scares me the most about my future career.

7. What Significant Obstacles Did You Face In Your Last Role? And How Did You Deal With It?

My biggest obstacle in the past was dealing with a tough customer. In addition to the difficulty of describing the components to the customer, he kept altering the terminology. As a result of his frequent requests for modifications, the processes did not go as smoothly as anticipated in the original design. As a recent college graduate, I found this experience to be challenging. This experience has taught me to be steadfast and adhere to the original plan unless modifications are feasible.

8. Can You Describe Spring Security’s Key Features?

Spring Security is open-source software that enables developers to build their applications and contribute to the open-source community. It offers straightforward authentication that verifies the identity of individuals login into a website or application. In addition to authentication, it enables developers to add access control to programs to govern user access to specific resources. Through its single sign-on capabilities, users can securely access many applications using a single account.

This security framework also enables users to securely save their credentials, preventing attacks such as session fixation, session hijacking, and brute force. Spring Security allows for Servlet API and Spring MVC interaction. It also simplifies application development and unit testing for programmers.

9. How Is The Spring Security Mechanism Implemented?

Spring Security is a robust and highly configurable framework for authentication and access control. It is the accepted security standard for Spring-based applications. As with all Spring projects, the true value of Spring Security lies in its extensibility to fulfill specific needs.DelegatingFilterProxy is used by Spring to implement security features. It is a proxy for the standard Servlet Filter interface, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements Filter. It is the beginning of the springSecurityFilterChain, which instantiates Spring Security filters based on the Spring configuration.

  •  Comprehensive and flexible support for both Authentication and Authorization
  •  Protection against threats like session fixation, clickjacking, cross-site request forgery, etc.
  • Integration with the Servlet API Integration with Spring Web MVC is optional.

10. What Do You Mean By Spring Security Session Management?

Session management involves safeguarding and managing the sessions of many users per their requests. It enables secure interactions between a user and a service/application. It applies to a user-specific sequence of requests and responses. Session Management is one of the most crucial components of Spring security, as data security is compromised if sessions are not maintained effectively. Spring security employs the SessionManagementFilter and SessionAuthneticationStrategy parameters to manage HTTP sessions.

11. What Is The Difference Between Role User And Role Anonymous In The Url Setting For A Spring Intercept?

ROLE ANONYMOUS is the default role assigned to an unauthenticated user when we use Spring Security’s “anonymous authentication” filter in a configuration. It is the default setting. However, it may be more comprehensible to use the term is anonymous(), which has the same meaning. In contrast, ROLE USER has no significance unless you assign it to your users after authentication. It is not a name that is part of the infrastructure of Spring Security. Presumably, we issue the role to an authenticated user in the example provided.

12. What Is The Client Credentials Grant For Oauth2? How Should It Be Implemented With Spring Security?

The Client Credentials Grant involves authentication between machines. In the case of the Client credentials grant type, the user plays no role. As previously indicated, communication is between devices. Clients often use it to access their resources instead of a user’s resources. This Authentication method does not involve any end-users. In contrast to Authorization Grant, in which the end-user must authenticate with an Authorization Server such as Gmail, the machine shows itself to access a protected resource.

13. In Spring Security, Which Servlet Filter Is Responsible For Intercepting All Requests Sent To An Application?

A Filter implementation known as DelegatingFilterProxy is made available by Spring. This implementation enables bridging to occur between the lifecycle of the Servlet container and Spring’s ApplicationContext. The Servlet container does not recognize Spring-defined Beans. Still, it does make it possible to register Filters based on its internal standards. It is possible to register a DelegatingFilterProxy through the usual Servlet container procedures; however, it will delegate all of the work to a Spring Bean that implements the Filter interface.

14. What Is The Name Of The Class That, Under Spring Security, Is Responsible For Getting Authentication Information From The Database In Response To A Certain Username?

UserDetailsService is a component of Spring Security that DaoAuthenticationProvider utilizes to retrieve a username and password, in addition to other credentials required for authentication using a username and password. Both an in-memory and a JDBC version of UserDetailsService are made available by Spring Security. We can design our custom authentication by making a custom UserDetailsService available as a bean.

15. What Exactly Is Meant By The Term “Method Security,” And Why Is It Necessary To Use It?

Spring method security allows us to add or support method-level authorization. In addition to authenticating the logged-in user, Spring security verifies the user’s approval. At login, we utilize the user’s ROLE to establish who is permitted to access the resource. When creating a new user in WebSecurityConfig, we can specify the user’s role. A security measure added to a technique restricts access to only authorized users, preventing unauthorized access. Method-level security aims not to facilitate authorized users but to prevent unauthorized users from executing actions outside their privileges and roles.

16. What Are Spring Security’s Authentication And Authorization?

Authentication is confirming a user’s identity by comparing their username and password. Once users have been authenticated, they have access to all resources. It is straightforward to implement in a system with a single user group. Authentication may not be sufficient for complicated applications in which multiple user groups access the application. It is also crucial to give users varying levels of access based on regulations and processes.

Using Spring Security, developers may define various access rights that allow a single person or group to view, update, administrate, and delete resources from a particular area. For instance, a restaurant service app provides:

  • Customer’s access to the front end.
  • Code-level access to developers.
  • Administrative access to database engineers.

Spring Security makes it possible to separate authentication from authorization.

17. Describe The Process Of Salting And Its Use In Spring Security.

Since version 3.1, Spring Security automatically applies to salt in password creation. Salting is the process of mixing a password with random data before password hashing. Salt enhances hashing by improving its uniqueness and complexity without increasing user requirements and decreasing password assaults. We can then save the hashed passwords alongside Salt in a database. While Using salting, our application will be safe from Dictionary-Attack. Using Salt, you can add the string to the password to make it harder for hackers to decipher.

18. What Exactly Is JWT?

JWT is server-generated tokens delivered to the client after user authentication in a web application. Consequently, these tokens are transmitted with every HTTP request, allowing the server to validate or authenticate the user’s identity. We use it to authorize client-to-server transactions or requests. The purpose of using JWT is not to conceal data but to confirm its authenticity. JWTs are instead signed and encoded, as opposed to encrypted. JWTs are digitally signed with a cryptographic technique to ensure that no one can alter them after being issued. Tokens are signed using the server’s private key to secure the integrity of the information.

19. Name Some Preconfigured Spring Security Filters And Describe Their Functions.

Spring Security’s filter chains are highly complicated and adaptable. They complete their jobs via services such as UserDetailsService and AuthenticationManager. Security filters include the following:

  • SecurityContextPersistenceFilter: Persists SecurityContext data between HTTP queries.
  • ConcurrentSessionFilter is responsible for concurrent session management. Its function is to update the session’s latest updated time and guarantee that it has not expired.
  • UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter: It is the most popular authentication filter and the most frequently modified.
  • ExceptionTranslationFilter: This filter lies in the security filter stack above FilterSecurityInterceptor. Despite not performing actual security enforcement, it manages exceptions generated by security interceptors and returns valid and appropriate HTTP answers.
  • It is the responsibility of the FilterSecurityInterceptor to secure HTTP resources (web URIs) and raise or throw authentication and authorization exceptions when access is prohibited.

20. What Types Of Threats Can Spring Security Not Prevent?

The concept of perfect security does not exist, and Spring Security is not an exception to this rule. No matter how effective the security system is, there will always be some dangers we cannot avoid. It is just a fact of life. On the other hand, Spring Security does a decent job of defending against the most prevalent dangers.

21. What Authentication Mechanisms Does Spring Security Support?

Spring Security’s authentications include HTTP basic, HTTP digest, OAuth2, form-based, LDAP, and persistent login. In basic authentication, the server requests a client’s login and password to check if they can access a web resource. Instead of sending the password to the server, the client uses an MD5 hashing method to build a hash and send it.

Spring Security’s form-based authentication takes and validates user credentials. LDAP verifies usernames and passwords by connecting to an LDAP directory service. Users can stay logged in for more extended periods with persistent login. Authentication cookies contain user credentials. OAuth2 confirms a user’s identity, allowing a third-party service to access user data.

22. Is It Acceptable To Disable Certain Spring Security Capabilities To Fulfill Specific Requirements? If Yes, How?

We can deactivate Several Spring Security features if the user so chooses. For instance, if you want to disable security for a specific URL pattern, you may do so by utilizing the security: ignored request-matcher element within the Spring Security configuration. It will allow you to disable protection for the specified URL pattern.

23. How Does Oauth2 Operate, And What Is It?

Several programs use OAuth2 to access restricted information on other websites without user credentials. Consider a website that requires a login to view video lectures and study material. The website can use OAuth2 to let people log in with their email ids. After logging in, users can reject or enable website resources. It communicates with the server to authenticate the user’s identity. It has five essential components: user, client, authorization server, and resource server. The user or resource owner owns the data and consents to client data sharing. An authorization server identifies the user, and the resource server stores the user’s data and authorizes the client to access and update it.

24. What Is The Meaning Of The Term Primary In Spring Security?

The principal is the user presently logged in and utilizing the application. We store information/data about the principal in the application’s SecurityContext. SecurityContext is stored in a ThreadLocal object by default, so it is always accessible to methods on the same thread of execution.

25. What Are The Recommended Best Practices When Implementing Spring Security?

There are several best practices to adhere to when utilizing Spring Security:

  •  Employ the most recent release of Spring Security
  • Use a robust technique for password encryption.
  • Employ a secure communication technology like SSL/TLS
  • Utilize a firewall to safeguard your program
  • Properly configure Spring Security for your application


Spring Security is one of the most popular, powerful, and highly configurable access-control frameworks for enterprise applications. It provides authentication, authorization, and other security capabilities. In this article, we’ve gathered an exhaustive list of typical Spring Security Interview questions. In addition to assessing your current Spring Security knowledge, these questions are useful for reviewing key concepts before an interview. It is appropriate for both novice and seasoned developers and IT leaders.

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